Search results

  1. rutteger

    For Sale G-Shock GW-002E

    Sold :) :)
  2. rutteger

    WRUW : 16th Apr - > 22nd Apr

    Assume Red Tuesday is slightly better than Blue Monday? Also slightly dissapointed the Mazda does exist, liked the idea of weaving an intricate tale in order to point out my iffy Wademan may (or may not) be optimistaclly priced :p Anyhow. In memory of it's bigger brother the Blue G-9100 Gulfman...
  3. rutteger

    my collection

    x2. Which is your fave ?
  4. rutteger

    G-Shockzone G-Shock G-9000-8V Mudman giveaway

    And we have a winner >
  5. rutteger

    Number 72 aka jaydeeohh wins the G-9000 Mudman

    The draw for the G-Shock Mudman G-9000-8V has just taken place at G-Shockzone HQ. We are pleased to announce jaydeeohh has been drawn as the winner. We used to pick the winner. 1 TZA 2 chavo60 3 macspite 4 pericolo 5 Harii_up 6 agentzigzag 7 domchek 8 Deaconxx 9...
  6. rutteger

    Source for modules

    What he says really. Check our G-Shock spare parts suppliers article in the wiki. Pretty sure I've seen modules listed on pacparts, however not heard of anyone buying one. Almost certainly best waiting for a cheap watch with a good module to come up....
  7. rutteger

    WRUW : 16th Apr - > 22nd Apr

    Seemed a good day for the GW-9300 Mudman :)
  8. rutteger

    G-Shockzone G-Shock G-9000-8V Mudman giveaway

    Will do the draw later today...good luck :cool:
  9. rutteger

    Collection So Far - Pics Heavy

    Really cool collection and great pics too. Especially like the blue mudman and your selection of Aviators. What's next then ;)
  10. rutteger

    For Sale G-Shock GX-56-1A

    Sold :) :)
  11. rutteger

    WRUW : 16th Apr - > 22nd Apr

    started the week with the G-9100R
  12. rutteger

    G-Shockzone G-Shock G-9000-8V Mudman giveaway

    Last few hours to enter :)
  13. rutteger

    Considering this.

    £30 would be keen ! Sure :p
  14. rutteger

    For Sale G-Shock GX-56-1A

    Decided to move on my G-Shock GX-56 given lack of wear. Hardly worn, still has the CE stikcer on the back. Comes with box and manual etc. £60 posted in the UK. Will do pics later.
  15. rutteger

    WRUW : 9th Apr - > 15th Apr

    @Teb0911 - nice Muddie! @terryjames - Your own pics are pretty good. Went with the DW-6900 for later in the day.
  16. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    Hmmmm. GD-200? Real nice! Doubling the size? You mean you've six incoming!!! Not much new here. Tatty DW-9100 Riseman arrived. That'll be it until I clear the decks a little. Or there's a bargain :p
  17. rutteger

    Considering this.

    Last one sold on eBay for £83 posted > I've seen them listed for waaaaay more on WUS and elsewhere. Would agree with...
  18. rutteger

    For Sale G-Shock GW-002E

    Back up, still got this one.
  19. rutteger

    For Sale G-Shock G-100 £30

    Back up again.