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  1. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    Nice Hundreds k1ngunit. Just snagged another GS-300 Giez today.
  2. rutteger

    eBay Ebay - DW-5600-MS

    Nice price, had hoped it would go, quite tempted :)
  3. rutteger

    eBay DW-6900R Rasta
  4. rutteger

    WRUW : 30th April -> 6th May

    Another fine choice Olivier. Was this from Japan also?
  5. rutteger

    A slightly different Bape collaboration

    Makes a change from the normal DW-6900 I suppose. This is one BAPE I can certainly give a miss to.... It's a TYPE-3 BAPEX, news via Hypebeast >
  6. rutteger

    WRUW : 30th April -> 6th May

    Starting the week with the G-Shock DW-5600C
  7. rutteger

    eBay Black Helios Frogman :cool:
  8. rutteger

    eBay DW-5600 Eric Haze £70 BIN Good price!
  9. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2012 New Releases

    Not sure as yet. At a guess, yes. The regular GW-A1000 and GW-A1000D are due in the US July. No word on date for the RAF collab as yet.
  10. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2012 New Releases

    Not sure as yet. At a guess, yes. The regular GW-A1000 and GW-A1000D are due in the US July. No word on date for the RAF collab as yet.
  11. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2012 New Releases

    @Shocker - you going for one :)
  12. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2012 New Releases

    @Shocker - you going for one :)
  13. rutteger

    What have you got incoming?

    Nice choice, how on earth did you get it for less than the advertised price though ?
  14. rutteger

    Where to go.

    Who actually knows what will make it to the UK, not us for sure. I'd expect they might but only time will tell. To be honest if you want one I'd probably look at picking one up from outside the UK.
  15. rutteger

    Need watch band and bezel

    Check this article in the wiki > G-Shock spare parts suppliers . Gives a good overview of who is who, I've used vbeme a few times but also hear the other US based suppliers are pretty good.
  16. rutteger

    WRUW : 23rd April -> 29th April

    @jaydeeohh - nice muddie :cool: It is indeed rather inclement here. Went with the Garmin something or other this morning for a few nice hours on the bike in the rain. Switched to the Giez GS-300 for the afternoon.
  17. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2012 New Releases

    What do we reckon then? Liking the white GWX-8900B-7 here :)
  18. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2012 New Releases

    What do we reckon then? Liking the white GWX-8900B-7 here :)
  19. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2012 New Releases

    May 2012 sees Casio Japan releasing seventeen new models, three of which have been delayed from the April 2012 G-Shock release. Once again thanks to the sneak previews G-Shockzone have brought you over the last few weeks there is little we haven't seen before. The big news for the May 2012...
  20. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2012 New Releases

    May 2012 sees Casio Japan releasing seventeen new models, three of which have been delayed from the April 2012 G-Shock release. Once again thanks to the sneak previews G-Shockzone have brought you over the last few weeks there is little we haven't seen before. The big news for the May 2012...