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  1. seanobsdot

    WRUW : 30t Jan -> 5th Feb

    my first pic on the wruw thread
  2. seanobsdot

    eBay Froggie - GW200MS-1 - slight mods

    i hate these bezels i feel that they just ruin the true essence of what a g shock is. a ghsock is supposed to be rugged and meant to be beaten up. this just puts low grade baked diamonds on a gold/silver/stainless steel bezel and ruins the watch i just cant stand these bezels:mad:
  3. seanobsdot

    Negative Display vs normal display

    @rutteger- do you know of any distributors carrying that gw6900bc??????
  4. seanobsdot

    A GShock Journey ;)

    that gw-m5600 with the bracelet has me going crazy i dont know think they ever brought that to the states ive never even seen one in person nice collection
  5. seanobsdot

    Lower high price?

    i just dont see how g shocks and sheep wranglers go together but, when there is a market anything goes i guess. not saying its not a nice watch but at the prices your talking about definetly not worth it....
  6. seanobsdot

    bapes?? how many were made for the black?pink?red?

    tell me if i am incorrect the black colorway bape only produced 1000 along with the pink bape...? the other colorways such as red and so on produced 2000? someone please tell me if im right or wrong thanks guys
  7. seanobsdot

    Recommended tools

    thanks for the tips, i took a watch apart a few weeks ago and was going crazy trying to find the screw or "screws" i dropped..they are a lot smaller than i vision is bad so now i have a reason to actually use the loupe i have. dont have the guts yet to take apart a real gshock so...
  8. seanobsdot

    Recommended tools

    good that you said that...ive been wanting to get a set of small screwdrivers that were magnetized to hold the screw on...never thought i would hurt the watch...ive used a small magnet flathead to remove a fake watches modules...probably to small to kill it? So your saying the manetics may kill...
  9. seanobsdot

    Recommended tools

    i would think that they use higher grade tools..with magnetized tips as to not drop screws..i do know that they have special tools to remove bands and resize them but theres not a lot of real watchmakers left anymore and im pretty sure the ones that are left arent really making g...
  10. seanobsdot

    Have you ever broken a G-Shock??

    me i have never broken one but this guy did haha....... cant help but laugh everytime i see this video....feel bad for the watch though
  11. seanobsdot

    DW-5600BB Basic Black

    tome it looks like the cyborg DW-5600Q009-7JR just in a matte black colorway without any words? i think they are very similar, i would say they are very minimalistic?
  12. seanobsdot

    eBay G-001 Jason

    i messaged this seller......wating for a reply. she asked me how i know its fake and i told her..also called her out on her insanely cheap price for a $100 watch..i guess we will see what they say
  13. seanobsdot

    Fake Alert Fake GW-9300 Mudman

    you know what would be good...if we could all bombard him with messages tellling him his stuff is fake....i already have......ohhh wait his g shocks light up so they are real...stupid people
  14. seanobsdot

    Fake Alert Fake GW-9300 Mudman

    how do these foreign countries replicate these watches so fast... it amazes me... the only way i would know that was a fake is the fact that i know the models that were released and none of them looked like that......i cant stand fakes
  15. seanobsdot

    Article: G-shockzone G-Shock G-6900-1D giveaway - NOW CLOSED

    nice 6900 which is one of the models i do not have, ill say a prayer tonight maybe my prayers will be answered :courage:
  16. seanobsdot

    G-shockzone G-Shock G-6900-1D giveaway - NOW CLOSED

    nice 6900 which is one of the models i do not have, ill say a prayer tonight maybe my prayers will be answered :courage:
  17. seanobsdot

    Ricky Froggie

    @bubblytubs- i gotta try to ask him if he will send to the us.......he is a bit epensive but i would like to get a band a bezel set for the second dee and ricky....he must have a connection to casio or somehting to be able to order what you need...wish i could finds that distributor
  18. seanobsdot

    Discuss :-)

    crazy some stupid idiot paid that much money for suck a poor looking watch. the number on it look like some kid painted them on...........
  19. seanobsdot

    How many G-Shocks do you own?

    i got 5 a nice round number