Search results

  1. seanobsdot

    Ricky Froggie

    did you source the dee and ricky bezel set from that seller on ebay?????
  2. seanobsdot

    Wanted Wtd : Gl-100v-9at

    you looking for yellow or any color?
  3. seanobsdot

    Which is your fave collaboration / limited edition G-Shock

    out of all of the collaborations let me think i have 3 1-the first dee and ricky 2-a hard to get collaboration but still a beautiful watch you guys know what this one is....its the ontfrontxgshock collaboration 3 one more i just feel i have to put in which is the illestxgshock...
  4. seanobsdot

    For Sale Straps and bezels on ebay for the uk

    your definetly right but the dee and ricky straps and bezel definetly hold a premium over regular edition straps, but i do agree he is overpriced
  5. seanobsdot

    For Sale Casio g-shock dw-6900tk-2er turbokolor limited edition

    how much for the watch? posted to the us
  6. seanobsdot

    Looking for a first G-Shock

    notice the analog preference went right over my head
  7. seanobsdot

    Looking for a first G-Shock

    @chrisd- if your working asa a corrections officer maybe a mudman woud be a good choice, your not going to be in the mud a lot but the watch itself is very strong or a new mudman which costs a bit more
  8. seanobsdot

    Wanted G-7800b-1

    funny that i just found these in two stores where i live and they are at 200us nice find
  9. seanobsdot

    eBay OntFront x G-Shock GA-110C

    i actually have this watch as my wallpaper on my computer:disillusionment:amazing watch in the states not a lot of people even know about it
  10. seanobsdot

    G-Shock highlights of 2011

    @rutteger- yea i bought the men in matte black mudman i asked you about, and im hoping to get the solar mudman........its a really good looking watch(asi see in your pics) and it also has a lot of features so i really want to get that one next......this watch collecting thing is so...
  11. seanobsdot

    Hello and Some Cleaning Advice Please?

    yea the yellow gw7900 looks like the paint from the band keeper is coming off but in the future try not to use anyhting to harsh on the watch bands glossy or matte that magic eraser thing has a lot of chemicals that probably dont go good with resin watch bands good luck though hope it all works...
  12. seanobsdot

    G-Shock highlights of 2011

    no you got the pic up...thinking maybe i will try to save up to get the new one like yours but the black and gold one, saw it in the case today on lunch and they said tey would giv eit to me for 200 us hoping that the next time i go back they still have it.
  13. seanobsdot

    Hello and Some Cleaning Advice Please?

    i personally wash the watch almost everytime i wear them, especially, if its white(matte finish picks up the dirt a lot faster), make sure your hands are clean b4 taking the watch off, use gentle hand soap, another trick i use is clean and clear oil absorbing sheets!!!! sounds funny but they...
  14. seanobsdot

    G-Shock highlights of 2011

    i would have to say starting to collect as a hobby finding gshockzone to talk about watches and see what other people are doing with their g's getting the dee and ricky for xmas buying the men in matte black i need to buy a nice camera to show you guys otherwise i wish...
  15. seanobsdot

    Metal Or Resin?

    i like the resin but..... metal is in gulfmans, frogmans, and other g's i think the combo of both makes for a reallly nice watch
  16. seanobsdot

    G-Shock Wademan DW-9800 restoration

    yes...i wet ahead and did it it looks just like yours when it was in repair...just having problems keeping it painting looks like a three year olds. for some reason all of the function indicators look perfect except the mode supposed ill try a toothpick or something thanks for the help
  17. seanobsdot

    G-Shock Wademan DW-9800 restoration

    i was looking at your earlier restoration when i asked that question. i want to brighten up the letters on the CASE but i can take a little sarcasm. u said u used alcohol to remove the white piant on the wademan....i was asking you if remover can be a substitute??? you must think ive gone...
  18. seanobsdot

    Parra X G Shock DW5600PR

    @nickyc-this one has been out since december i dont know about the uk though but im sure its been out since the new dee and ricky came out.....they came out at the same time or one right after the other. they got them on ebay for like 150 i think...
  19. seanobsdot

    G-Shock Wademan DW-9800 restoration

    ive heard you can use nail polish remover... what do you think? got a 9050 that looks like its colors are dulling out a little bit. someone also told me that nailpolish itself can be used to paint the watch? what do you think?