Search results

  1. rutteger

    Best places to buy Gshocks in NYC???

    Ha, certainly plenty to do in NYC, sure you'll enjoy. Make sure that CC limit is nice and high ;) You leaving the city?
  2. rutteger

    I did it 3500 MY PRESIOUS !!!.

    Looks awesome, congrats :)
  3. rutteger

    WRUW : 5th Dec -> 11th Dec

    Cheers BT, certainly one of my more inspiring models amongst a see of black resin. With that in mind went with the vanilla Riseman today :p
  4. rutteger

    9052 module?

    Great looking mod, looks like a top job. Bad news on the module. When you find the number will have a look in my spares box...
  5. rutteger

    WRUW : 5th Dec -> 11th Dec

    Tokyo Design Project, really got to remember to give the Gs a quick clean if I'm using my better camera...
  6. rutteger

    November/December purchases

    BT, More awesome scores, congrats on the Wu and Haze (is that 2 x Haze, thought you already had one from GSE) along with the eye popping orange neon hypercolor :) Best wishes for the wedding and best of British luck :p
  7. rutteger

    Best places to buy Gshocks in NYC???

    Enjoy BT, let us know what you score. How long you over there for? Cool city, not visited since '99, guess a lot has changed since....
  8. rutteger

    WRUW : 26th Nov -> 3rd Dec

    Pre yellowed, hope that wasn't extra ;) Assume it was NOS?
  9. rutteger

    WRUW : 5th Dec -> 11th Dec

    That does look good Chris, design looks stronger on the wrist than in the catalogues. Started the week with the Gulfman. Should've dusted it off first, sorry ;)
  10. rutteger

    Wu-tang g-shock

    Nice work! As others have asked what other Gs have you worked on and will you be working on more.
  11. rutteger

    GW4000 and GW-A1000

    Nice. Assume you get no sync in Hawaii ? If I ever get the funds for an aviator based on this thread definitely going to hang out for a GW-A1000 :)
  12. rutteger

    Dec '12 New Release - DGK x G-Shock G-8900DGK-7

    Further to the preview we brought you of the DGK x G-Shock G-8900DGK-7 back in August Casio have officially announced this model as their one and only December 2012 release. We might see more later in the month, we might not ;) Anyhow the DGK x G-Shock G-8900DGK-7 is the second collaboration...
  13. rutteger

    Dec '12 New Release - DGK x G-Shock G-8900DGK-7

    Further to the preview we brought you of the DGK x G-Shock G-8900DGK-7 back in August Casio have officially announced this model as their one and only December 2012 release. We might see more later in the month, we might not ;) Anyhow the DGK x G-Shock G-8900DGK-7 is the second collaboration...
  14. rutteger

    GB6900AA from Japan / Compatible with US iphone5?

    Fairly non noncommittal. The GB-6900AA is an updated model, as the seller states Casio have made updates (assume software) over the original GB-6900. I would think the seller is covering their back, everything Casio has put out about this watch indicates it will be compatible with the iPhone5...
  15. rutteger

    eBay Customised GW-9110 Gulfman with OK BIN Someone on here?
  16. rutteger

    GW4000 and GW-A1000

    Thanks for taking the time to do the side by side comparison Chris. When lined up like that I'd certainly agree the GW-A1000 looks like a step on from the GW-4000. The caseback and buttons especially look heaps better. How do you find the smart access system? Is it intuitive? Guess that's one...
  17. rutteger

    GB6900AA from Japan / Compatible with US iphone5?

    As far as I know the GB-6900AA should be compatible with any iPhone 4s or 5, first I've heard about certain features not working in different locations.
  18. rutteger

    Turbo Kolor

    Somewhere around that, from memory 300 but it could well be 200.
  19. rutteger

    G SHOCK collaborations IN4MATION

    Great range of collabs, love the red / yellow / green one. Handy to have the store local :cool: