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  1. rutteger

    Connecting to G-Shockzone

    Load yesterday was very high on the server so outages aren't a surprise. Seems like people are only seeing problems via tapatalk though? Will need to look into further if so.
  2. rutteger

    Finally found one.......

    Quality, glad you finally managed to track down papa smurf :p
  3. rutteger

    Unboxing..."The Bear is here..."

    Sweet pick up, just a shame they don't include a matching bearbrick model.
  4. rutteger

    Connecting to G-Shockzone

    Gents, sorry for any issues. I run other sites on the server and been doing some big upgrades which would explain slow times on here. The worst is done now so everything should be back to normal now. If not let me know.
  5. rutteger

    Start February up! WRUW 2/1 --> 2/7

    Surprise, surprise gone old school. 5600C
  6. rutteger

    The Official Introduce Yourself Here Thread.

    Welcome all :D Enjoy the forum and be sure to post up some pics of your Gs and Casio on the WRUW thread > As for flickr it works ok. You need to select the share dropdown by the image and select grab html bbcode'. Tick bbcode...
  7. rutteger

    Modding my AWR-M100-1ADR

    The model number you've given is not for a limited edition one, sorry. It's still a fine watch though, sure you'll enjoy it. As for modding the most obvious route is to change the band and bezel. Take a look at our list of spares suppliers in the wiki > G-Shock spare parts suppliers , suggest...
  8. rutteger


    Bagging = getting.
  9. rutteger

    New cabinets

    Great pic and super cool item! lucky chap :)
  10. rutteger

    Wruw 1/25 --> 1/31

    @chris, bad luck on the Muddie, just batt I hope. @vitix - a fine choice :) Gone for the GW-9300 Mudman today
  11. rutteger

    New cabinets

    Seriously cool, you got a close up of the broach? Does Tyko Moon work is the Soho store, know I've seen his G site...
  12. rutteger


    @Boomslice - did you manage to pick anything interesting up in the Far East? How did you find Japan?
  13. rutteger

    Chrisek hits 50

    Love the collection and group shot Chris. Which was #50?
  14. rutteger

    Wruw 1/25 --> 1/31

    Another old master today , Riseman.
  15. rutteger

    New cabinets

    Seriously cool Mr T, loving your work as ever. Did you score the Ayako shirt direct? And what was in the Yokahama cabinets before :p
  16. rutteger


    Great collection and congrats on picking up the Evangelions - it's only money :p Having visited a few of those places I'd suggest bagging the models you want now. Visited Japan a few times and never managed to find anywhere selling anything especially out of the ordinary - normally at full Yen...
  17. rutteger

    New G-Shock GD-350 with vibration coming Feb 13

    Quite keen on this one, esp if it's as chunky as the measurements would suggest. Not super keen about the Vibrator text (thanks BT for highlighting that) but there we go...
  18. rutteger

    New G-Shock GD-350 with vibration coming Feb 13

    Quite keen on this one, esp if it's as chunky as the measurements would suggest. Not super keen about the Vibrator text (thanks BT for highlighting that) but there we go...
  19. rutteger

    G-Shock model number reference

    Nice edits Chris :)
  20. rutteger

    Wruw 1/25 --> 1/31

    old skool muddie today