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  1. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 15th January '14

    Didn't have a chance to agree with you yesterday Chris, so I had to re-visit yesterday's WRUW! but I also love the GSET. Superb quality finish and feel on both screwbacks, love the thirty stars CF especially! The only square that can beat this 'special-ness' (that I can think of) is the GW-T5030...
  2. Sengyoku

    WRUW Thursday 16th January 2014

    No.7 Frog Sent from the 'droid.
  3. Sengyoku

    ad33lak G-Shock Collection

    I was charmed into frogs myself by a 1000 series, but yes, they don't come cheap! The Ti ones are worth an entire series of other models alone! Though I find their quality so exquisitely superior to anything else I've seen in G's :) I was hoping the lightning yellow 8230 might have been glossy...
  4. Sengyoku

    ad33lak G-Shock Collection

    Oh my bad, might have mixed you up with somebody else's collection :/ I think there should be plenty of rangies coming out. No doubt the love the sea and earth collaboration will be the most colourful :) How do you like frogs then? Sent from the 'droid.
  5. Sengyoku

    ad33lak G-Shock Collection

    Love that collection collage :) That's a complete set of kings right there! Awesome! A fine example of a focused collector you are... I remember you had a very complete set of Risemans until the 9300 Muddies took over... Have you got sights on a Rangeman collection next? Sent from my iPad...
  6. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 15th January '14

    Love this wide angle shot GM :) Did you do any post processing or HDR on this, the sky and colours look amazing Sent from the 'droid.
  7. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 15th January '14

    Get well soon, just recovering from a bug myself :/ Sent from the 'droid.
  8. Sengyoku

    WRUW Wednesday 15th January '14

    My "zombie" MTG... so called because I brought it back from the dead uuuuh *zombie moan* :) Sent from the 'droid.
  9. Sengyoku

    LIGHTNING YELLOW Rangeman's Adventure Trip to the Goldmine -First photos...

    Don't forget to tell the zone when your gshockvisions grand opening is GM. More gin and tonic on standby :D Sent from the 'droid.
  10. Sengyoku

    Casio G-SHOCK PINK colour comparison video.

    Nice review Mike, that doesn't look like a 'small' obsession to me, that's definitely more pink G's than I can think of/know of already! My favourite pink is the one you call bubble gum on the SN/riseman :) Sent from the 'droid.
  11. Sengyoku

    F91W & King went 2 the Northern Most Point of South American Continent

    So picturesque, I could do with some of that sun sand and sea right now! Thanks for sharing Marcos :) Sent from the 'droid.
  12. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday 14th January '14?

    I got a title for you... "Beauty and the Beast" A bit of Tuesday afternoon cheesiness haha :) Sent from the 'droid.
  13. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday 14th January '14?

    No definite plans just yet, but I think a trip to HK is definitely in order this year. Just a question of when! I'll aim to make it more than once a year! Love HK :) Sent from the 'droid.
  14. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday 14th January '14?

    Now HK is one place where the weather really doesn't matter :) it's just awesome 24/7! Sent from the 'droid.
  15. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday 14th January '14?

    Sunny! You mean our generous quota of about 30 mins of sunshine in a day :) That's if it's not raining of course...which it likely is haha Sent from the 'droid.
  16. Sengyoku

    WRUW Tuesday 14th January '14?

    No wruw yet today?! Let's get things started then... Sent from the 'droid.
  17. Sengyoku

    Cannot switch off alarm on G-Shock 2278

    I think a reset should be an affirmative way of solving the problem...but since you've changed batteries before I assume you know what you're doing :) Just remember to perform the ac reset by inserting your tweezers in the two holes... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Sengyoku

    Cannot switch off alarm on G-Shock 2278

    Hi Gerald, I'm a bit surprised no one has replied to you yet... But it's probably because not many if us know the module numbers as well as the model numbers. Anyway, you have a dw-9051 or similar right? It just sounds like you have one or more of the 5 alarms activated (there's also 'sig'...
  19. Sengyoku

    Who else loves a combi bracelet like me?

    Any screw back would work great with the combi IMO. I just think the GW-5000 with combi just makes it even more so the "G for every occasion". Besides, the resin can always be put to use on another modern square :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Sengyoku

    LIGHTNING YELLOW Rangeman's Adventure Trip to the Goldmine -First photos...

    Just what the doc ordered, LY ranger with a touch of mountains and waterfall! Superb pics as usual GM ;) Casio! Hire this guy! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk