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  1. Sengyoku

    WRUR Tuesday July 1st 2014

    Snap! Tom :) Happy first of the month all, took out one of the big boys today... Earlier in the day, in BS clothes... Changed back to original colours for the afternoon sun :) And here's my 97 caseback to coincide with the anniversary of HK SAR, one of my favourite places :)
  2. Sengyoku

    Look what just landed in a shopping mall near me!

    I was just wandering around my local shopping mall otherwise known as Lakeside shopping centre in Essex, UK... I was surprised to see this was plonked right in the middle :) Being the G shock nut I am I asked the guy at the stand about it and apparently it's a little week long promo thing...
  3. Sengyoku

    WRUW Monday June 30/14

    Thanks Tom! This world cup must really be messing up your routine! I know a dedicated football fanatic like you is going to watch every match :D Hope you are still resting enough! The Germany Algeria game has gotten pretty intense now... end to end stuff :o
  4. Sengyoku

    WRUW Monday June 30/14

    Happy Casio day everyone :) Here's my 1058.50 shot in the morning, with one of my favourite Gs! I use 24hr normally so 'scuse the lack of pm :) Now I was just about to do a 10.58pm shot then I got distracted by the Schurrle goal :p Here's my 1058 fail haha 1059 shot instead lol Well...
  5. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday 29 Jun 2014

    Happy Sunday guys :) Been distarcted by the world cup like everyone else ;)
  6. Sengyoku

    WRUW Saturday 28 Jun 2014 (COL-URU)

    Saturday wristie...watching the game(s) :)
  7. Sengyoku

    Wruw 27/6/2014 tgiff!

    Happy frog Friday all :) Maiden wrist voyage for this one...
  8. Sengyoku

    WRUW today 6/24/2014 (earthwatch rangie inside)

    @Will, Just wanted to say that rangeman looks better and better! Congrats and I am so tempted! Also congrats on Columbia on another fine performance and getting through! Love the goal celebrations :)
  9. Sengyoku

    WRUW today 6/24/2014 (earthwatch rangie inside)

    Well after being stuck in a double decker of traffic jams, I've managed to find a bit of time to post today's quick collector meet at London's G shock East, also the anniversary of it's opening :) Since I knew a certain prolific frog collector was coming too I had to bring something a bit...
  10. Sengyoku

    WRUW Monday 23 June...

    Good day guys, got the anniversary carbon square on today :) Sent from the 'droid.
  11. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday 22nd June

    Yes, it's a great looking frog :) one that looks more beautiful the more you look at it :) There was one sitting next to the 1000G I bought a few years ago. But mt pocket could allow me to only walk away with one of them at the time :) now that I'm more of a frog maniac these days I probably...
  12. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday 22nd June

    Wow Tom! The 1000B added to your Froggie army? You are unstoppable! Congratulations :)
  13. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday 22nd June

    I was busy yesterday so didn't have time to post my 'wristie' :) Black ranger on patrol :)
  14. Sengyoku

    WRUW Sunday 22nd June

    So where is everyone...? A lazy Sunday? :) Anyway... It was a sunny Sunday here, good day guys!
  15. Sengyoku

    Wruw 20/6/14

    Good to see you in the zone too Mr B! A pretty awesome frog turn out today if I say so myself! Well England finally bowed out today after that super Costa Rica performance, I guess in away it's actually better for people here to sit back and enjoy the rest of the world cup! :) And the France...
  16. Sengyoku

    Collectors meet and G Shock East Birthday event

    Hi tubs, is there an event plan/agenda for the day or something...Hope to pop in at some point next Tuesday! :) Sent from the 'droid.
  17. Sengyoku

    Wruw 20/6/14

    It's's Froggy! Good Friday guys :) Sent from the 'droid.
  18. Sengyoku

    G-9300-1 | Is it genuine or fake?

    +1 costs double that price in the UK
  19. Sengyoku

    What R U wearing today 6/19/2014

    KG King on today, good Thursday all :) Sent from the 'droid.
  20. Sengyoku

    WRUW July 18'th 2014

    Late check in for me... busy and tiring day! 7th Frog on today Well the Spanish golden era is officially over... have to hand it to Chile though, superb work rate from the whole team, Columbia's turn tomorrow, is Will watching from work? :) Anybody see the Holland - Aussie game? impressed...