Search results

  1. rutteger

    G-Shock DW-6930BS-8 30th Anniversary coming May 2013

    Interesting theory for sure, as with everything Casio I doubt we'll ever know their truth / reasoning. In some ways think the silver G-Shock DW-6930BS-8 with matching medal and packaging does seem a logical way to round off the G-shock 30th anniversary releases (but there will possibly be more...
  2. rutteger

    Article: master-piece x G-Shock GD-100MS

    You can view the page at
  3. rutteger

    master-piece x G-Shock GD-100MS

    Cult Japanese luggage label master-piece have once again teamed up with Casio to drop the master-piece x G-Shock GD-100MS. The model is based on the military inspired GD-100MS and features custom master-piece details to band and dial along with custom packaging. The watch is already available...
  4. rutteger

    Ever "just missed"?

    Ooof, bad luck. Also quite surprised the StussyxBape Frog made it out of Japan. Did it see a release across the entire US or did the Stussy store in hawaii have a few in as specials? Probably one my main G misses (although more my own fault) is not picking up the 25th Anniversary Rising White...
  5. rutteger

    What did you get in April?

    Epic month Chris, some great pick ups. Can you call a fave from that lot? What are your thoughts on the silencer, that's one model which I've never quite got round to picking up... Couple of Casio incoming here this month. Last and least first, SDB-100-3. Thought it'd be cool, retro and cheap...
  6. rutteger

    Wruw: 4/22---->> 4/30

    @Texasdevildawg - nice custom dye job, kudos Originally gone for the yellow gw-6900 today
  7. rutteger

    Wrestlemania DW-6600B Pictures for policarpio83

    Pretty special item for the Wrestling fans. What's the story behind this one, assume very limited...
  8. rutteger

    Image test

  9. rutteger

    Wruw: 4/22---->> 4/30

    @Deepsea - love that Frog :) Inspired by Chris' 5030 gone for the DW-5600C today. Classic sqaure FTW :p
  10. rutteger

    G-Shock Rangeman - New Master of G Triple Sensor?

    It'll be interesting to see how it pans out for sure. Always thought Casio had perhaps held back on a full ABC G-Shock in order not to tread on the toes of their own Pro Trek line. Maybe the chunkier module with outboard sensor is a way of differentiation, maybe it's because it's more rugged...
  11. rutteger

    G-Shock Rangeman - New Master of G Triple Sensor?

    It'll be interesting to see how it pans out for sure. Always thought Casio had perhaps held back on a full ABC G-Shock in order not to tread on the toes of their own Pro Trek line. Maybe the chunkier module with outboard sensor is a way of differentiation, maybe it's because it's more rugged...
  12. rutteger

    G-Shock 30th Anniversary Resist Black Series coming April 2013

    Great pic :D The buttons are a little stuff in general, guess this is becasue of the mud resistant bezel. Heard of people boling up G-9000 bezels to soften them up, not sure as I'd advise it with your 5530 mind :p
  13. rutteger

    G-Shock 30th Anniversary Resist Black Series coming April 2013

    Great pic :D The buttons are a little stuff in general, guess this is becasue of the mud resistant bezel. Heard of people boling up G-9000 bezels to soften them up, not sure as I'd advise it with your 5530 mind :p
  14. rutteger

    atomic time reset issue after battery change

    Long pressing the top right button normally gets you into time set mode, you can manually set the time on all G-Shock afaik.
  15. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2013 new releases

    Ah yes, not looked in out their facebook page today. Looks very very cool if it ever sees production, setup a seperate thread on the G-Shock Rangeman here. The 8 models shown are part of the offical Casio Japan May 2013 release, the rangeman isn't part of it. Still, exciting news, thx for...
  16. rutteger

    G-Shock Rangeman - New Master of G Triple Sensor?

    News just in via forum member Deaks and the Casio UK facebook page of an all new Master of G spotted at Baselworld 2013. NO details other than the image really. Looks like an all new Master of G with triplr sensor technology - this would be the first true ABC G-Shock. If this model ever...
  17. rutteger

    G-Shock Rangeman - New Master of G Triple Sensor?

    News just in via forum member Deaks and the Casio UK facebook page of an all new Master of G spotted at Baselworld 2013. No details other than the image really. Looks like an all new Master of G with triplr sensor technology - this would be the first true ABC G-Shock. If this model ever...
  18. rutteger

    atomic time reset issue after battery change

    First thing is probably to try and dig out the manual, if you don't have it take a look here > The atomic sync only works if the time zone is correct, e.g. if you have your time zone set to japan (or whatever the default is for...
  19. rutteger

    Wruw: 4/22---->> 4/30

    @Dez - great collection shot :) @Chris - the 5030 will surely be a classic amongst classics, fine choice :D
  20. rutteger

    G-Shock May 2013 new releases

    Agreed, looks crisp and very 'wargames' with the green negative display. The SG2 is strong, think these will either look great in the flesh or, er, not. No way of tracking an exact release, Casio are releasing these model in Japan next month. Most should hit stores in Japan mid month...