Search results

  1. rutteger

    My Small Collections G Shock

    Awesome pickup, what are your thoughts so far? Is the coin / medal cool or cheesy, hard to tell from the pics?
  2. rutteger

    An Old New Addition.

    Stu, congrats on an awesome pickup. The stand must be the icing on the cake :)
  3. rutteger

    What R U Wearing 5/27 --~~~---> 5/31

    Old Rising White today
  4. rutteger

    Does anyone know of someone who has one of this for sale

    One of the small ones? Some chap had a load he was selling via the forum a few months back. Might be worth finding the thread and PMing him. Probably worth a wanted advert also.
  5. rutteger

    G-Shock 30th Anniversary Resist Black Series coming April 2013

    @chris - did it arrive yet! @BT - surprised they still have stock. Which did you go for :D
  6. rutteger

    G-Shock 30th Anniversary Resist Black Series coming April 2013

    @chris - did it arrive yet! @BT - surprised they still have stock. Which did you go for :D
  7. rutteger

    What R U Wearing 5/27 --~~~---> 5/31

    Been away for a few days hence lack of posting, been mostly wearing the GA-100
  8. rutteger

    -=<Dragonflyyy's G-Shock Collection>=-

    Welcome aboard, great collection :D
  9. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    Code is working again :D
  10. rutteger

    Real World images of the G_Shock DW-6930BS-8 30th Anniversary

    Two sets of real worlds on the same day, sheesh. Thought these were worth sharing though, saw them on the gshockjp livedoor blog. As per the title here are some images of the G-Shock DW-6930BS-8 30th Anniversary. Looks pretty good imho, slight glitter to the silver band and bezel and the keeper...
  11. rutteger

    Incoming 2013

    @Chris - nice and super fast work on the MIRO and G-Rescue set, surely you aren't missing much. Love the python, looks much cleaner than mine :) @Deaks - where are you getting the bands and bezels ??
  12. rutteger

    Real Word images of the G-Shock GW-M5610SD-8

    Via Tanaka-san as ever :D
  13. rutteger

    What R U Wearing 5/13 ---> 5/19

    Rockin' the Skyforce today
  14. rutteger

    eBay Poorly listed DW-6500 Skyforce on original strap

    Looks very clean :D
  15. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    Just had an email from Keith. He's going to get the code sorted. In the interim he'll honour the discount, just email him on and he'll refund the difference.
  16. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    Just had an email from Keith. He's going to get the code sorted. In the interim he'll honour the discount, just email him on and he'll refund the difference.
  17. rutteger

    For Sale Gshock- one piece ' ltd etd from japan 'LNIB'

    Just mark it as SOLD - we don't move them anywhere. If you sold it via the forum please take a moment ot use our feedback system.
  18. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    I'll follow this up with Keigh @Tiktox again. He indicated there was an issue due to a server move but it should be working again now. Guess not!
  19. rutteger

    10% discount at Tiktox for G-Shockzone members !

    I'll follow this up with Keigh @Tiktox again. He indicated there was an issue due to a server move but it should be working again now. Guess not!