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  1. rutteger

    Article: G-Shock MTG-S1000D-1A - October 2013 G-Shock New Release

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  2. rutteger

    G-Shock MTG-S1000D-1A - October 2013 G-Shock New Release

    This all new MT-G G-Shock MTG-S1000D-1A is dropping October 2013. The new model sees many of the innovations from the aviator line cross to the slightly more traditional MT-G line - the MTG-S1000D-1A features Smart Access & Triple G Resisit, the module looks to have much in common with the epic...
  3. rutteger

    Wruw 10-21 - 10-29

    @chris - awesome choice as always @gary - ha, taken to school there. Thought it was a marlin at first glance, the snorkel guy is cool :D Gone a little old school with the dw-6000 today :D
  4. rutteger

    Wruw 10-21 - 10-29

    Sweet Marlin !! All this talk of Masters, gone for the Muddie today :D
  5. rutteger

    Who's going for the Rangeman?

    The seemingly overlapping models is something quite common in Japan, esp with cars. Quite common to have several fairly identical vehicles built on the same platform. That said it would make more sense to me to have one unified Frog...with a depth gauge of course.
  6. rutteger

    Who's going for the Rangeman?

    @LUW - from a functional point of view I'd agree. @Gary7 - interesting point with regards to the depth gauge on other Casio models. Previously seemed Casio wan't to keep the seperation between the Pathfinder / ProTrek line and G-Shock by not offering the altimeter funcitonality. Now the has...
  7. rutteger

    Wruw 10-21 - 10-29

    Good work on starting the thread Ron. @chris - niccceee, what model?? Gone for the yellow gw-6900 today :D
  8. rutteger

    Who's going for the Rangeman?

    Certainly be interesting to see how Casio play it with their Masters. Also expect to see the end of the Riseman. Mudman would expect to stick around, esp given how new it is. Frog is always staying. Gulfman unsure on, always been a bit of an oddball really so might expect it to stay. And of...
  9. rutteger

    eBay Boxed G-Shock DW-1983 One for the hardcore collector, used but looking mint.
  10. rutteger

    eBay Possible cheap TCOS Frog for UK G-Shockers No bids yet, not long left. Do I really need another.....
  11. rutteger

    eBay Addict Frogman GW-200CF-7 Brazillian Grail for many :D
  12. rutteger

    Post Up Your Modified, Customs, and Remixed G-Shocks

    Nice work Gary. The yellowed resin does suit itself to die work, guess where I've just been looking for a possible subject :D
  13. rutteger

    Who's going for the Rangeman?

    Interesting point Chris with regards the strap difference. Only have the carbon strap muddie. Guess the main USP of the carbon is the fact it is trick (plus I suppose might prove tougher). @Gary - wise choice not going with a neg display if functionality is your main goal...
  14. rutteger

    WRUW: 7th Oct -> 13th Oct

    @deepsea - ahh, I see. Don't use tapatalk here. Assume it's all working good apart from that @chris - congrats in advance on the new Frog :D @Araragi - welcome, loving the globe G and T combo :) All this talk of Frogs....
  15. rutteger

    Who's going for the Rangeman?

    Ah, bummer. Anyone got theirs yet? Sure a few must....
  16. rutteger

    WRUW: 7th Oct -> 13th Oct

    @deepsea - do you not see the like button? @chrisek - should know I'm sure but which model is that?
  17. rutteger

    WRUW: 7th Oct -> 13th Oct

    FIne leftfield choice Chris. Rocking the sunny 6900 on a dull day here
  18. rutteger

    Auto EL

    Ha, nice fix for that. Bet you can't fix a rolex by bashing it on a hard surface ;)