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  1. rutteger

    eBay CASIO G-SHOCK DW-5000SP-1JR 20th Anniversary Bit expensive I guess but a rare old item :D
  2. rutteger

    eBay G-SHOCK by Maison Martin Margiela
  3. rutteger

    The G-Shockmeter @ The Zone

    Not at all, always cool to have interesting threads like this :D Question is should we include Gs which are MIA? Have two or three I've been unable to find for quite a while :p
  4. rutteger

    GM & Marcos road trips reports ®un-®un

    Love the G-Shock decal on the truck. Enjoy your trip, look forward to more pics. How many Gs are you taking :p
  5. rutteger

    Wwubw 23/12

    Welcome aboard tekong, awesome first post. Gone for the gw-9300 muddie today, enjoy some traditional festive UK weather. 8 degrees celcius and lashing rain.
  6. rutteger

    wruw december 22,2013

    Good work guys :D Wruw fail yesterday due to a flat phone battery :( Gone with the Ga-100 today Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  7. rutteger

    2013 - or: One Year in the grip of the big G...

    Just to echo other comment, great post gripmaster. Pretty amazing and solid collection you've built up in that first year :D Great images too, always look forward to your posts.
  8. rutteger

    Lightning Yellow, the grand finale to the 30th Anniversary waves

    Thanks for taking the time to post that up Chris. Amazingly detailed thread and an awesome overview of one of the best drops in Casio's 30th release (curiously absent from certain top 10 lists elsewhere). Thread of the year :D
  9. rutteger

    Article: G-Shock Lightening Yellow 30th Anniversary - a grand finale.

    You can view the page at
  10. rutteger

    G-Shock Lightening Yellow 30th Anniversary - a grand finale.

    Forum regular Chrisek has put together an awesome overview of the G-Shock Lightening Yellow 30th anniversary series. The article includes and overview of the release and range along with detailed images of the G-Shocks which Chris is lucky enough to have collected :D Check the article out here.
  11. rutteger

    Article: TOOL TIME: JIS Drivers

    Another great article LUW, thanks :D
  12. rutteger

    TOOL TIME: JIS Drivers

    Another great article LUW, thanks :D
  13. rutteger

    The G-Shockmeter @ The Zone

    Caudill: 20 chrisek: 81 Deepsea: 23 LUW: 39 marcoszam: 62 rutteger: 26 Sengyoku: 48 vade_R: 155 Total: 454 Great idea, shall I sticky this :)
  14. rutteger

    It's a day of fog and haze

    Superb pics as ever grip, thanks for sharing :D
  15. rutteger

    **WRUW 20th Dec 2013**

    TFI Friday one and all :cool: Finishing the week with the DW-5300
  16. rutteger

    G Street's The 10 best G-Shocks of 2013

    Thanks for sharing that one. Vaguely follow G-Street, often wonder exactly what their angle is, afaik it's a sneaker magazine trying to branch out. Such lists will always be very subjective and that list is very subjective! Couple I might put in my top ten but to have overlooked some of the...
  17. rutteger

    ««« W®UW Thursday December 19th »»»

    Nice :D Dug out the rising white today.
  18. rutteger

    Feedback on new Likes system?

    Ahh, I see. Think the notifications you were seeing were for the old thanks system which was not tapatalk compatible. The new system does not show notifications afaik. Agree email and tapatalk notify would be too much...
  19. rutteger

    Feedback on new Likes system?

    Done. Do you get email notifications for thanks also? Anyone else seeing notification for thanks?
  20. rutteger

    Feedback on new Likes system?

    Interesting, cannot recreate this. Can you post a screenshot of the notifications? Also had a look at the reputation system which I may or may not enable...