Not a fan of German cars myself. Beautifully constructed perhaps but cold, soul-less. Give me something flawed but fun any time. It's not sour grapes or ignorance either, in my time I have had a couple of Mercs, a Jensen Interceptor, BMW M535i (two of them), Maserati Bi-turbo, Bristol 410, various Jags, Alfa Romeos ...
It hasn't always been poverty central at Macspite Towers.
The cars I remember are those that had quirks and character. I was as happy driving a Citroen Dyane on its doorhandles at low speeds as I was doing double the speed limit very early on the M40 on a summer morning in an XJS with everything shaking to a blur. In a Merc I imagine that would be no more stimulating than driving at 70.
Didn't James May drive a Veyron at top speed once, sort of proving that it was a somewhat bland experience?
Anyway, I am straying from watches which is what this forum is supposed to be all about. So I won't mention the Discovery V8 LPG that is going on eBay next Thursday: