Hey guys! Missed you all for the last few days...been 'out of the zone' by that I mean in travel across multiple timezones again, and got an extra hour of jetlag to contend with since dst switched back whilst I was away!
Anyway... feeling pretty worn out, got a bit of a cold coming on and the signature rainy and gloomy uk weather isn't helping lol
To top it all off I was stuck in a huge traffic jam yesterday! Not 1, not 2 but 3 separate incidents along my route home would you believe!
well perfect time for a wristie in stationary traffic...
Anyway great Gs as usual guys, never a boring day in 'la zone'
Special congrats on the new pieces Tom and Scott (mili-muddie)... Two very awesome masters right there! And Scott, looking forward to your next froggy project
And welcome again Nik, hope to see you around here more often