What have you got incoming?


Well-Known Member
Cool watch Chris. I know what you mean. I've been looking at the Rangeman and I have some mix feelings about the watch, but there is something about it that keeps taking me back to it. I'll probably will end up buying one.

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New Member
Nice Chris you must have found that in yahoo japan cause I've never seen a S5600B on eBay or anywhere else, I have a gw5000B, but I want to find the negative RM series S5600 one day too, I know it's going to be like the super elusive miro muddie.

You have to teach me one day to use fromjapan and how to bid on those listings Chris

There always seem to be watches you want and you put them off forever. Sometimes, it is just good to acknowledge that if they are on your list for a long time, they must be pretty cool. I finally caved after a year and a half.

Stock photo of one (still in production so purchasing new)


And seller's photo of the other (was only produced for a short time in 2010)


Only one other watch of mine this happened to: the orange king. Can't imagine not having it now. Hoping for similar reaction to these. :cool:

sent with aloha


Nice Chris you must have found that in yahoo japan cause I've never seen a S5600B on eBay or anywhere else, I have a gw5000B, but I want to find the negative RM series S5600 one day too, I know it's going to be like the super elusive miro muddie.

You have to teach me one day to use fromjapan and how to bid on those listings Chris

Anytime Will! The good news is the S5600B is much easier to find than that mudman. Just patience on finding a fair price.

sent with aloha


New Member
She who must be obeyed is wise to that one saru7 I don't think it is even in the house now.

All the way from the sunny UK


New Member
in a months time everyone will have them! keeping you from YOUR present and teasing you knowing its there is just mean!
i think a trial is in order so you can plead your case ;)

my missus knows theres no standing in the way of me and my new watches/sneakers/toys lol but i also know not to stand in her way for the same things! lol


New Member
So fed up waiting for my gd120 urban camo (birthday pressie for the 30th) ordered the same in the form of a gdx6900cm due tomorrow or Friday.

All the way from the sunny UK


New Member
Casio Oceanus S100B. It has already crossed the pacific and should be here in a couple of days.

update (edit): I love this watch: simple interface with high tech features, elegant, comfortable, accurate. A travel watch with a seamless world time function. Ginormous watches have their place but when I'm travelling I'm not trying to look flashy. Only downside is I think the pvd coating would scratch fairly easily if you're not careful, but you can also get a polished titanium version.