i think you make a good point about wrist shape chrisek. i have a very similar wrist to yours (not as hairy tho

) and i think that plays alot on what some ppl may view as "too big".
personally i wouldnt care if i had skinny girlie wrists (which theyre not too far from!) or big cankle wrists of ham, id still rock the bigger watches cos thats what i like.
one thing i dont get tho, ppl always turn their nose up if the watch is too big but seem to be fine if the watch looks small. granted these are usually square lovers but imo a small watch looks alot worse since it looks like you stole your little brothers/sisters one!

i guess it also depends on the shape and fit of the watch too. the most popular style with my friends is the gd1xx ga1xx shape. its def. bigger but doesnt look out of place on anyone from a shortassed 5'2" guy to a 6" 100kg dude.
ive yet to get a gdx but its on my must haves for this year. im looking at you cement camo! (and prob the tiger stripe camos too
