I do commentary for the battle scenes at our show and sometimes for the post war vehicles as well. Hate the sound of my voice when I see a youtube clip of the action. I can hear the dreary monotone, all the pauses and er, stumbles er,and,er unfunny jokes.
It also is a strain if I haven't prepared for the gig. The re-enactors who put on the battles have a nasty habit of letting me know a couple of minutes before what the battle is and what is going to happen which tends to strain my limited knowledge of WW2 history to the max. But I have a wodge of generic background material prepared - weapons, vehicles, tactics, people - that I can use to bulk the set out and sound halfway to knowing what Im talking about.
Did you have any run throughs or rehearsals before committing yourself to film and did you have a set of notes to work from? All in all a very creditable first attempt though - what's next?