If a seller posts a clean, sharp picture of the watch it is easy to spot a fake. Casios seem to have a balance and sharpness about them, the text is crisp and well formed and the LCD digits normally look clean and well placed behind the face of the watch.
This is why many sellers of fakes place badly lit or badly focussed pictures in their listings so that you can't see the fine details that allow you to decide if the watch is genuine. It doesn't mean that bad pictures automatically mean a snide watch but it is an indicator of potential problems.
A new or low feedback seller is another point to beware of, some start up again with a different i.d. having been banned, some of course are genuine - we all have to start somewhere!
"New without tags" is another danger sign - where have the tags gone? I am one of the most disorganised people around but all the tags that came with new watches are safe in the tins inside the boxes.
Too brief a description is also suspicious as is just a stock photo of the watch.
Bapes and other 6900s are the most faked, 99% of eBay Bapes are fake. You can buy fake bapes for less than 5 dollars from China, even dropship them - you get the order and the PayPal payment, send the wholesaler the buyer's address and the 5 dollars and they will post it to your buyer - another danger sign in the listing is if the delivery time is 10 days or more.
Hope this is of some help